My Lymph Nodes Are Swollen Under My Right Arm I Haven’t Been Diagnosed Formally Yet, But They Want Me To Get An Ultrasound On The Lymph Node
There’s two of them in the back of my left arm that are swollen and have been for a month now not the other I’m just one arm. Just wondering if that sounds consistent lymphoma? And what should I do moving forward to be sure it isn’t cancer?
I had 2 swollen lymph nodes in my right armpit too. At first was told it was probably inflammatory and not to worry. I did push it with my pcp and went for ultrasound, it got a little bigger and was more solid than fluid filled so a biopsy was ordered within four days. The waiting is the hardest, about 5 days later it was confirmed classic follicular lymphoma, which is under non Hodgkins lymphoma.
Then a PET scan was ordered to make sure it was no where else and to stage it. Once resulted it was just stage 1 and no where else. Only Radiation will be the treatment. Bit first I just had my bone marrow biopsy yesterday to make sure there is no cancer in my bone marrow as that would change the treatment plan. I feel it won't show anything because my labs are all normal. (The lymph nodes were an incidental find and had no symptoms).
This all only started in January, so I have not started treatment yet.
Advocate for yourself and if the nodes are still enlarged, request an ultrasound guided biopsy. That would confirm any question as to why they're swollen.
Best of luck to you ❤️
Get an ultra sound .If they are not sebaceous cyst or lipoma , then biopsy .Cat scan is more specific
Immediately go to your pcp or see an oncologist and either should order a biopsy. Sorry to hear and best of luck!!
Same here, left cervical lymph nodes and left armpit lymph nodes swollen for 10 months now, they fluctuate but got really large, did flow cytometry, T-LGL Leukemia a possibility, on to Moffitt for more tests. Get it checked!
Definitely proceed with the ultrasound and don't delay. If the lumps are definitely lymph nodes, you will most likely need a biopsy in the near future. Early diagnosis for any medical condition is crucial. Best of luck to you!
Has Anyone Been Put On The Wait And See Program Without Being Given An Official Diagnosis?
Is There Anyone Else On Our Lymphoma Website With SLL And Has A History Of Eating Several Bags Of Microwave Popcorn Daily Or Lots?
The Beginning