I’m Curious If People Have Been Prescribed Or Recommended Hormones /vitamins Post Chemo. I Walk And I Stretch But Not Really Helping
Primary Mediastinal Large B Cell /DCBCL
Finished Chemo 6 weeks. Awaiting meeting with consultant
Hi! I too had DLBCL and RCHOP. I always continued to take my hormone and vitamins even through chemo. Good luck on your upcoming appointment. Kelly
Thank you for your reply, I am on a hormone injection to lessen impact on ovaries. I understand that this may contribute to some of stiffness and I was told not to take anything even bio live yoghurt whilst on chemo
Has Anyone Else With Lymphoma Had Low Ferratin Levels? Mine Are So Low That I Am Getting IV Iron Infusions
Joint And Muscle Pain
I Noticed That The Two-year Survival Rate Is From A 2014 Study. Does Anyone Know What The Current Two Your Survival Rate Is?