What Tips Do You Have To Help With Seasonal Allergies?
Allegra works for me
I don't seem to have allergies in Oklahoma because I grew up in Northern Illinois. I also swam on a competitive swimming team. That is truly the best sport to improve your lungs etc. I don't think I will swim not, but water walk. I love doing this in the early morning when the hawks are above and just streams. Our OU Swimming pool opens outdoors after Memorial Day.
I use loratadine (Claritin generic), when it’s really bad I get Claritin-D generic at the pharmacy counter. I’ve also gone to an allergist and gotten an rx i take every night. I didn’t have good luck with Flonase, but use a neti pot (sometimes saline nasal spray as a quick option). I have indoor and seasonal allergies, so when pollen is a big problem, I also add herbal options from my local herbal apothecary.
Good luck!
I had rituximab for a few sessions of 1X a week for 4 weeks and I only had fatigue the day after & some chills the very 1st time. It helped me stay in remission 7 yrs then it stopped working when Lymphoma was diagnosed as large B cell.
The simple way is to go to a drug store and buy Neil Med nasal rinse. The pre-packaged salt and sodium bicarbonate packages are premeasured and easily mixed with distilled water. Do NOT use tap or bottled water because of possible living critters in your home water supply. Is it comfortable??? Well no, but it beats putting up with your allergies. You'll get use to it after a bit but experiment and see what happens. El cheapo way around nasal allergies that works great.
I Noticed That The Two-year Survival Rate Is From A 2014 Study. Does Anyone Know What The Current Two Your Survival Rate Is?
So This Week Some Lymph Nodes In My Neck Have Swelled Up. No Other Symptoms. I Do Have Allergies. I Don't Know What To Do? Any Suggestions?
Anyone Have Experience With Rituximab Treatments