Anybody Treating With Alternatives: Artemisinin, Fenbendazole Etc.?
Read a case study of a 84 yold male treating successfully with Fenben and vitamin protocol -had 3 sites bilat lymphoma, not sure re staging..(want more evidence, stories for my same age mother)
Read the book “Winning the War on Cancer”. The supplements can be complementary to traditional medical treatment. After the first two RCHOPS my husband needed a boost to his white blood cells, which is common. He went on the RNA fragments 2 weeks before the 3rd treatment and he no longer needed a boost, hence less drugs into his system. He also went into remission much earlier than expected.
A case study? One case study? Who did the research? Please do not search for alternatives to lymphoma. It can turn aggressive quickly
I Have Been Living With B Cell Lymphoma For 5 Years Now. It Seems I Catch Everything That Comes Along. Covid, Flu, Gout, Even Common Colds.
Anybody Here Managing Peripheral T Cell Unspecified?Done With Chemo And Next PET Scan In July. Want Alternatives To Stem Cell Transplant
Does Anybody Get A Skin Rash During Antibody Maintenance Therapy With Follicular Lymphoma?