I Suspect The Cov'd Vaccine Triggered Lymphoma
I sprayed for weeds on an Air Force base, and worked with many things that could have started Lymphoma, including pest control spraying insecticides. Lots of that stuff is on our food, and who hasn't driven by a field that was sprayed to help get good food produced. Did we wash all the herbicides off our celery, or did they ever skip a wash in a restaurant? Ever breathe motor exhaust? so many things could have led to lymphoma, and all the other cancers. Vaccines help keep disease deaths, and complications down. That's been the science behind their developments. Science shows that washing hands helped too, doctors didn't always try to keep clean. I trust the medical science behind my treatments, and know that there are lots of pollutants that we breathe, and injest that can cause problems. Think 'Black Lung' in coal miners, and the Marines, and their families at Camp Lejeune. Remember 'Agent Orange'?
Don’t beat yourself up! We all swallowed the Kool Aid and were not even sure that’s the problem. It is what it is and we just need to keep on top of the information and meds we get to stay healthy.
I'm so disappointed with myself for behaving like a pavlovian sheep by getting the vaccine and booster🐏
I’ve discussed this issue with my primary care doctor as well with my rheumatologist and hematology oncologist. They all say that there’s no way to prove a link to Covid vacs and lymphoma. However, I’ve had constant discomfort and pain progressively from each vac. I will not get anymore Covid boosters!
There is no link between COVID virus/vaccine and lymphoma! The vaccine was media promoted because they were trying to educate the population of the importance of vaccination and it worked. I think the rise in lymphoma relates to environmental factors over the last 50 years. Inheritance/genetics contribute. With Internet and social media we are just more aware of lymphoma. 50 years ago you would have said that someone died of cancer and not have known which cancer it was. I can have these opinions because I was in the medical field for over 50 years, I was a microbiologist, virologist in studied immunology & work in hematology. And yes I too have lymphoma. I think for me trying to figure out where it came from can be depressing and counterproductive. I am trying to put my energy into my treatment and having a positive outlook. Lastly, the COVID vaccine was not a live vaccine and was only meant to prevent you from serious illness and death. That's why many people got either no sickness or a mild case. Being that it is not a live vaccine there is no reason to believe that it could cause cancer. I hope this helps some of you.
Should I Get My Covid Booster I’m Scared I Think The Vaccine Gave Me Lymphoma
Covid Vaccines And Lymphoma????