For Those On Calquence For SLL/CLL, Did Your White Cell Counts Go Up To An Abnormal Range In The 1st Few Months Of Taking Calquence?
Dr. will not take another blood test and CT scan for 3 more months so we won't know if Calquence is working til he's taken for a total of 5 months .
Ok, Cathy- no problem.😊
Well, Lynn is asking about Calquence for her husband, son or friend so I responded. If I sent it to you Barb, I thought Lynn would see this since she started the thread.
Cathy2???? Did you mean for your answer to go to Lynn10? I am not on this medication; that was my answer to her…thanks..
Barb, I don't wait 3 months for a lab test. I go to one local and they know that my Doctor is at OUMed. I have taken Calquence for at least a year or more and my WBC is going down every month. Just go get lab work every month and see what it is doing. Your doctor gets the results too!
How Do You Feel After R CHOP For Large B Cell Lymphoma. How Low Have Your Blood Counts Gone? Thanks.
Can Someone Explain The "watch And Wait" Reasoning For Treatment?
Has Anyone Been Put On The Wait And See Program Without Being Given An Official Diagnosis?