With Indolent Follicular Lymphoma Do You Get Skin Rashes When In Remission Or When On Antibodies?
Thanks for replying. I really appreciate it. I get a little itchy now and then. And a rash now and then that goes away after a couple of weeks.
I might get a little bump or two, but I definitely have random itching. Mainly on my scalp, face, and the outside crack of my elbows or backs of the knees- how weird is that? LOL It comes and goes. My onco says it has nothing to do with my NHFL. The dermatologist says it is likely due to the CA but they don't know why or how to treat it so they dismiss it. Drs like to play "Hot potato". It is itchy and annoying but not fatal. I have been on W&W for 2.5 years (in remission). No antibodies just surgery so far.
I Have Follicular Lymphoma. I'm Trying To Find Out If Anybody Has Had Antibodies. I Can't Take Any More Of The Adromycin.
Has Anyone Ever Been Diagnosed With Two Different Types Of Lymphoma?
Does Anyone Know If You Can Have Lymphoma In The Breast? Angela