Anyone Notice A Decrease In Grip Strength Since Starting Treatment? I’m Taking Calquence And Gazyva
I am noticing certain tasks are becoming harder using my hands — using spray bottles opening jars cleaning - things like that but I have so far been able to jog and walk for exercise - just less intensity. Curious if anyone else has experienced this and whether there is something I can do to build grip strength back. And did it get better?
I totally agree we lose what we don’t use! I’m doing my best to incorporate exercise when I can and when I feel up to it!
Get a grip, and use it! If we don't use it we lose it, a lot easier to just sit around, but sometimes that's all I'm good for. I noticed a pattern of getting weaker after chemo, and it gets worse after more treatments. I'm going with the flow, and after this next treatment the scan might allow a pause, then maybe some rebuilding (strength training).
I have Large B cell NHL and have been in remission for nine months following six months of chemo. I too have problems with my hands. The problems consist of weakness, shaking, and a loss of fine motor skills. I have been using a squeeze ball to improve grip and help with shaking. It has helped some. I drop things. I fumble things. I cuss. Hang in there!
I too lost a lot of hand strength. I chalked it up to essentially doing nothing for almost 6 months (DLBCL, 21 days in the hospital then 6 rounds of chemo) - I lost a lot of hand strength. But then I lost a lot of strength all over. I was pronounced cancer free in January and have been hitting the gym pretty hard since, but my hand strength has not recovered as much as the rest of me. I was talking with another lymphoma guy and he said his hand strength was so low that for PT they had him pinching a clothes pin, and even that was hard.
So it seems this is yet another either symptom of cancer or a side effect of chemo, at least for some of us.
Since hearing from at least one other guy about this problem I've started focussing on various exercises designed to improve hand and grip strength. Squeezing various balls, rubber bands, small weights and such. Dr Google has lots of suggestions.
Doing ok today Barb175! Some days it is worse than others. My husband can open all of the jars I need him to so I do have a helper lol. I was just surprised to loose strength in my hands not so much in proportion of how I feel overall. Thanks for the response! Hope you’re well :)😀
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