Severe Constipation After Each Cycle The First 5-6 Days, Any Good Solution Besides Prunes And Figs And Laxative Tea? Alfred
My husband had his first DA-EPOCH-R Cycle and also had severe constipation for 7 days. His was so bad that his doctor at Mayo told him to go to the ER. He took all sorts of laxatives and stool softeners, plus prunes and prune juice, in the preceding days, to no avail. He finally got relief on his own while in the ER, but they told him his bowel was extremely distended. We have asked his doctors to advise how he should be dealing with this and what they Dan do during his hospital infusions to make sure this doesn’t happen again. I will let you know what they say.
Miralax in my coffee works great
Miralax every day helps me
Hi! I was the same way. I took Colace (still do).It's an OTC stool softener. Read the directions. I think you can take more than one a day. Kelly
Nancy, any update on your husband's severe constipation issue?
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