Who Got Splenectomy For SMZL, Why, And How Does It Go For You? Pros And Cons Versus Rituxan?
Hi Liz - I had a Splenectomy on April 23 and the blood work I had only a couple of weeks later showed a marked improvement. I am off chemo until I have another scan in August. My spleen was about 12 inches long and round the size of a softball. Doctors say it turned out wonderful and it was a good decision. I feel great,in fact playing golf 3 days a week but still weak but that is from a lot of other factors. If you have any questions as to the procedure, prior problems and any post surgery questions please just message me. Welcome to our group, I hope can find some comfort knowing we are all on this journey together, and know you are loved.
Smzl For 18 Yr. Splenectomy;then No Problems; Good Bloodwork But Now Constant Itching Has Started. Any Suggestions -is This Typical. Age 72
Is There Any In The Group That Has SMZL, Splenic Marginal Zone Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma?
Anyone Who Has Had Marginal Lymphoma And It Was Gone Did It Return?