I Have Lg B Cell Triple Hit Lymphoma…. Completed Chemotherapy And Radiation. Anyone Have Experience With Triple Hit?
Hi Shirley
I had DLBCL, not triple hit, but chemo RCHOP did not completely cure me. I then had low-dose radiation afterward and CAR T therapy and am now in remission. Pray that you will be in remission too.
Thank you Emily….so grateful to hear you are in remission! I just got pet scan results and I too am in remission! Now we both need to stay there! Oh…. I need to grow some hair too! Thank you for your response.
Hi, Shirley
Thankful to know that you are in remission too! Take good care and God bless!
I Noticed That The Two-year Survival Rate Is From A 2014 Study. Does Anyone Know What The Current Two Your Survival Rate Is?
My Daughter Has Been Diagnosed With A Triple Hit Lymphoma Stage 2. It’s One Of So Called Large B-cell Lymphomas. Is There Anyone Here?
Most People Here Seem To Get R CHOP For Their First Treatment For DLBCL. But I Was Given Pola R CHP First. Anyone Else Get Pola R CHP First?