How Long Does It Usually Take To Get Results After A Fine Needle Biopsy? I Recieved Some Results In My Chart (online) After A Week.
I was diagnosed with shogren's in 2016; have had several imflammations in my saliva glands over the years, then found a swollen lymph node in my neck a couple months agao. Have CT scan, then fine needle biopsy a couple weeks ago. I'm really nervous as I haven't recieved a phone call from my dr to update me or anything. Is this normal?
Hi HopeTharrington,
Welcome to our group. Waiting for results of scans, especially biopsies can be sooo stressful. Whenever I’ve had testing done my dr usually has an appt scheduled within a few days to go over results. I have also had drs who have called with results. Think you should call. If biopsy was done a couple of weeks ago results should be available. Keep us up to date.
Hi and welcome to the site. Everyone on here is so kind, supportive and helpful. I have/had DLBCL and had treatments of RCHOP chemo. I've been in remission for 3 yrs. I would absolutely call you Dr and ask them about your results. Especially if you've received results in mychart. I'm sure your Dr's office can explain them. Kelly
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