Does Anyone Else Have The Diagnosis Low Grade B Cell Non Hodgkins Lymphoplasmacytic Lymphoma With IgG Paraprotein? Not WM
I was given Rituxin and Bendamustine.Two days every month for 6 months.The first time or 2I was very tired.Slept many hours.After that got used to it and felt much better.Not much hair loss and no problem with appetite.Headache was a problem so dr said I could take naproxin before the treatment and I was fine.i have been in remission for over 3years.No treatment since.good luck.
Thank you for the information on Rituximab treatments! Good to heat it doesn’t take too long to feel normal again!
It was my understanding only about 5% don’t have IGM - my younger brother also had nhl - he relapsed about 7 years after his first treatment - surgery, radiation and 3 rounds of rituxin- had RCHOP and has been clean since - some 15 years! Always hopeful .
Also, my diagnosis is not WM as I do not have IgM paraprotein. Feel like I’m on an island by myself.
Has Anyone Ever Been Diagnosed With Two Different Types Of Lymphoma?
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