Which Lymphoma Symptom Surprised You The Most?
My first symptom was a slightly enlarged lymph node in my right groin. I thought it was infected. By the time I got to the doctor a month later, it had grown. CT scan, biopsy, and PET confirmed NHL DLBCL. Very active and never seriously sick in my life. Went from no cancer to stage 4 in 60 days. In my lymphatic system, liver, backbone, and bone marrow. 6 rounds of RCHOP worked. In complete remission in 6 months. But a PET 6 months later showed I relapsed. So my oncologist referred me to CAR T-cell therapy. 3 months later, PET showed it was working mostly, so “almost in complete remission.” In about 10 days I get another PET to see if the cancer is completely gone. I’m eager to get the results. I had complications from CAR T-cell infusion but it worked. Never give up hope.
It was all a surprise to me from the first call to the last treatment so far.. Thank God I'm in REMISSION for like 6-7 yrs.now!!
I had the night sweats as well. Thought it was menopause until I was diagnosed with Lymphoma. Turns out that is the first symptom listed when you look it up. I also had terrible headaches 7 years after initial diagnosis. Turned out to be Anaplastic Lymphoma. Had strong chemo for 4 months. Clear 3 years now.
I too had lots of leg and back pain. Most likely it was from an enlarged lymph node on my lower back. After treatment progressed it all went away....well almost. I have lower leg pain but this is different from sciatic type. My toes are affected and almost numb but good to go now!
Prayers for you I just went through stem cell transplant in June. So far it’s seems to worked
Red Spots On Arms
I Suspect The Cov'd Vaccine Triggered Lymphoma
I Wish To Usk.limphoma Is Like Other Cancers.cos I Talk With A Nurse And She Told Me Limphoma Is Not Like Other Cancers.