Anyone, I Often Think What If I Was To Find A Person With The Same Blood And Healthy, Would A Transfusion Help???
Julian Trudy is correct .Currently there are stem cell transplants where they wipe out your bone marrow and replace it from a genetically compatible doner marrow cells
Second .There is CarT .Therapy approved after first failure after traditional chemo.This entails taking blood from a patient ,sending it out to be genetically engineered to attack the either the CD19, or CD20 protein on the surface of your Cancerous B lymphocyte ..Respone rates very high .New therapies less toxic coming out every few months
Stay positive , this in the not too distant future will be a bad memory .Dont underestimate the support and unconditional caring the people are on his site
No has nothing to do with blood type .It is the genetic mutations in your lymphocytes that cause the disease
Thanks so much
Hi Julian, Frank8 is correct. That said some people have their blood drawn and 'spun off then replaced! Having had apheresis for my Stem Cell transplant I can tell you it is only unpleasant it also carries some unnecessary risks.
Are you anemic or is there any other blood related deficiencies? cheers Trudy x
Anyone Have Any Input On Cumulative Effect Of Chemo And Rituxan?
How Do You Feel After R CHOP For Large B Cell Lymphoma. How Low Have Your Blood Counts Gone? Thanks.
I Wish To Usk.limphoma Is Like Other Cancers.cos I Talk With A Nurse And She Told Me Limphoma Is Not Like Other Cancers.