Anyone Have Any Advice On How To Get Your Taste Buds Back? Eating Now Just Isn’t The Same When All Your Food Tastes Off.
1/2 teaspoon of salt
1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in one cup of warm water. Rinse mouth before meals. Also use plastic utensils. This was given by nurse in radiation dept.
It took about 6 months to begin to taste food again. Small meals with different ingredients helped me. I was eating a lot of rice bowls I made at home. Different proteins, rices and vegetables. Worked well for me.
Kurt , they nearly always come back , may take 6 m to a year post treatment .
How about trying foods that you typically don't like? Maybe that will fire up the old taste buds?😊
They eventually come back. I just ate a little bit of things which didn’t make me nauseous
Any Secret Solutions To Treat Taste Bud Issues
Before The Diagnosis, Did You Were Feeling Weak Or Tired Than Normal Along Before (maybe Years Before)?
How Many Days Before The Chemo Side Effects Start Or Peak?