Do You Follow A Specific Diet To Help With Lymphoma?
Since my first lymphoma 28 years ago when I followed, what in those days was considered alternative therapy. I have followed a diet mostly of exclusion. I am mostly vegetarian and don't eat red meat just occasional free range fish and chicken. I don't eat processed meats, processed foods or fried foods and rarely have sweets. I start most days with a glass of warm water with fresh lemon juice. Don't drink except for an occasional champers to celebrate. Perhaps one cup of tea a day and no soft drinks only water.I have in the past meditated daily, but at the moment as I get extremely tired I have a nap every afternoon but that is usually after I have played 3 games of croquet in the morning.
I am on wait and watch for my 4th lot of lymphoma, Have heart disease, diabetes and various other annoyances but at 83 I have no aches and pains and feel fantastic, and am able to do everything I want. People think I'm fussy, but I don't care, I'm still here living the life I want and I believe it is because of the life style choices I have made.
I adnire the determination of my fellow cancer sufferers, but at age 85 with NHL mostly in remission, I am happily continuing my diet of choice accompanied frequently with wine. This may not be a good recommendation for much younger patients, but my doctors and me do not believe that diet has much effect on the illness.
I am on a primarily on an anti-inflammation diet, eliminating foods that cause the highest levels of body inflammation. I have not flour, sugar, avoid most grains, all starchy veggies, and fruits that convert to sugar quickly in the body. I had three stage four blood cancers all at the same time. Two are in remission and one is incurable but is indolent and the numbers are below the levels where medication would be needed. My diet is supported by my treatment team at MD Anderson. I had few side effects from intense chemo and unexpectedly good results from treatment. Cancer was throughout my bones and lymph system and the case was so unusual that no one really knew what to expect regarding cancer and the possibility of recovery. It was too prevalent in my bones for me to have radiation because the amount of radiation needed would be too toxic for my body to handle. I used relaxation techniques, spiritual practices, my low-carb diet with no processed foods, and only organic products along with grass fed meats and butters, consistent exercise (currently 5 plus hours a week), lots of water, green tea, or black tea. I also eliminated harsh chemicals from my life in items like cleaning products, skin care, body care, and so on. I feel great on low-carb and have used this as my lifestyle for 5 years now. I can't see changing a thing. All my tests are great including heart, cholesterol, and blood markers, and I have gained over 5 % in bone density post treatment with no medication. I am grateful for chemo an the remission of cancer and I feel responsible for maintaining my health to the best of my ability.
Nope. Just happy to have an appetite at all.
I have read several books and articles saying that you can heal the cancer itself and prevent its recurrence by avoiding dairy, sugar, red meat etc, but when I discussed it with my consultant she said why do you think we spend so much money and effort developing new treatments if diet were enough? And it's simple logic that if that is all that is needed, no vegans would ever get cancer. I used to take around 20 vitamins and minerals a day, but the hospital pharmacist said I was only allowed to take B&D because all of the others might or might not interfere with the chemo, and without empirical testing of all the combinations he wouldn't commit. I can't even get all the medics to agree on cutting out sugar. I was very disappointed that all the advice before I started was that I would lose weight, and I was given a booklet on how to build the weight back up. Sadly I have put on a lot of weight, and cutting out sugar etc has not shifted it.
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