Any Diet Recommendations For Me I Need Diet Advice
Hi Maggie; Lots of greens - less sugar - hydration try to get 8 hours of sleep, naps count too! Daily fresh air and some sunlight.
Be sure to get as much of those Spiritual Vitamins daily. Enjoying the views around you (G-D’s creation) brings a unmeasurable healing peace. If you are able time w family and friends as much as possible. Above all per my 5 yr old Great Niece Rae~Bug (Avery) no matter what remember to smile. 😊 🙏🏻😇
Here things that are good for you, as always that’s good for but eat what makes you happy, your going thru a lot be happy what will make you happy is to exercise at your pace Good Luck and God Bless
Thank You Maggie! And G-D Bless you!!
Thank you God bless
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