Any One Else Going Through Depression Because They Are Having A Hard Time Getting To Appointments And Are Feeling Isolated?
Hi! I too had some depression issues during and after treatments. I was put on some medication which helped. Plus, I joined a support group. Call your infusion center and talk to the social worker and ask if they offer one. It is so very helpful. You feel not so alone. Glad you received some answers from the nurse today. Kelly
Thank you! I called my primary care doctor's 24 hours line today and talked to a nurse about everything I am going through. She said I should also tell the cancer doctor's assistant tomorrow everything I am going through because she would have informed about how best to deal with the eating, sickness, loneliness and reactions to different medications. She also said I should bring up the lack of transportation so perhaps she knows about resources I don't know about for my area.
This is a new experience for me. But I am determined not to give up.
Marion, I’m very sorry that you’re experiencing this. I would be talking to the nurse navigator Of your oncologist and sharing what you’re going through. They have resources and things that they can do to help you, especially with making it to your appointments and getting you in with your doctor or a referral to help you with your depression. sometimes it helps just to discuss those things. I hope that helped.
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