There Was A Delay In My Diagnosis Due To A Misread CT Done 10 Months Prior That Missed A 4 Cm Mass. How Much Does This Effect My Outcome?
Hodgkin's Lymphoma diagnosis Oct 2022. Discovered after 4 months of cough, cp, and sob. Had an EBCT done 10 months prior at hospital A all read as normal including lung potion . Diagnosis was made at hospital B as I worked there and revealed an 8 cm mass. . All subsequent CTs don't at hospital B until last month when went to hospital A for surveillance CT. This last CT mentioned a mass from from the EBCT they admitted they had missed. Worried as at time discovered I was now considered… read more
I Have Classic HL 2a Unfavorable - Bulky Mass (8cm) Oct 2022. A CT Done Nov 2021 Missed A 4 Cm Mass. How Much Did This Change My Outcome?
Dxd Oct 2022 With St 2 HL Unfavorable ,bulky Mass - 8cm. Now Told That EBCT 10 Months Prior Missed A 4cm Mass. How Does This Change My Px?