Please Someone Who Has Had Successfully Completed Car T Share Some Insight And Any Suggestions For Success
I am almost +90 from CAR-T. I'm doing well, but still fatigued - I think that's mostly because I'm out of condition after months of chemo and then some Grade 3 neurotoxicity from the CAR-T.
My biggest suggestion for success, besides the usual (hydration, daily activity, compliance with monitoring, etc) is if you are hospitalized, try to have someone go with you who can keep track of what happens and make decisions for you. I have a memory gap of about 5 days from the CRS and Neurotoxicity (which I hear is on the extreme end, you might not experience such a thing) and while my husband was there and very supportive, he can't really keep track of-2 what all went on - turns out I needed insulin and pain meds and multiple scans and I saw a dozen providers I have no memory of. I had a particularly uncomfortable convo with a social worker, and it turns out it was the 3rd convo and I had no idea we had already met, but he was getting impatient because he thought I was completely lucid the whole time. Also, if you have any memory loss and things aren't making sense, ask lots of questions even if they seem like stupid questions: for example, they gave me instructions about getting up and about using the bathroom that didn't make any sense: again, they had explained things earlier that I didn't remember and then I was really confused about what was happening to me, ended up with accidents and falls that could have been avoided.
Best of luck to you!!
Hi Karen2 - -(Karen, take a look at paragraph in middle of page from this article "Adoptive Cell Therapy". CAR-T is another immunotherapy treatment.
Thank you
Hi Karen2 - All the best to you!🫠
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