Are There Any Other People Here With A Lymphoma While Already A Type 1 Diabetic? How Are You Doing?
I am on the pump as well and use the G7, I use Meloxicam (Rheumatoid Arthritis) but also use Acetaminophen daily. I haven’t had any issues with it affecting my readings. Drinking water and yes keep moving but resting when necessary. I’ve recently started trying Yoga and Pilates which seem to be a positive.
Hi 😁 I have Type 1 as well
Hi LauraHavery, Thank you for reaching out as a T1D!! I don't know of another, let alone someone dealing with a lymphoma also. My biggest issue is dealing with the pain that comes & goes. I use Dexcom CGM G7 & Tandem T-slim insulin pump to keep the diabetes in control. Dexcom does not like Acetaminophen & I don't feel like Ibuprofen works for me. I try to stay hydrated & keep moving. If anyone has better suggestions, I'm all ears. Thank you
Reoccurring Splenic Marginal Zone Lymphoma?
Hi, I’m New Here. Most Immediate Question Is What Can I Do In Preparation For My Prognosis? Would Love Some Dietary/lifestyle Tips!
Can Someone Explain The "watch And Wait" Reasoning For Treatment?