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Anyone Experience Swelling Of Legs And Feet From Inactivity Due To Fatigue From Chemo? Did Anything Help Besides Exercise?

A MyLymphomaTeam Member asked a question 💭
Poconos, PA
January 6
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A MyLymphomaTeam Member

My husband did and we noticed 2 things: 1) he wasn’t drinking enough water, and 2) he had alcohol for the first time in a while. Drinking more water and not having alcohol helped a lot, as well as keeping his feet elevated.

January 21
A MyLymphomaTeam Member

Swelling in the legs and feet due to inactivity and fatigue from chemotherapy can be common. While exercise is helpful, other strategies may include:

1. Elevating your legs to reduce fluid buildup
2. Wearing compression stockings to improve circulation.
3. Staying hydrated to prevent fluid retention.
4. Consulting your Show Full Answer

Swelling in the legs and feet due to inactivity and fatigue from chemotherapy can be common. While exercise is helpful, other strategies may include:

1. Elevating your legs to reduce fluid buildup.
2. Wearing compression stockings to improve circulation.
3. Staying hydrated to prevent fluid retention.
4. Consulting your doctor about medications or therapies to manage swelling.

Always discuss these options with your healthcare provider to ensure they're safe for you.

January 6
A MyLymphomaTeam Member

Any kind of movement the idea is not to be sedentary any kind of movement you can do even if it’s vacuuming.

February 3
A MyLymphomaTeam Member

Thank you Nancy996. He doesn't drink alcohol but definitely needs to up his water intake. His Drs. (Primary Care and Oncologist) think it could be cardiac related.
The Doxorubicin He took in his first 4 treatments caused his heart muscle to weaken. Cardiologist appointment in a few weeks.

February 3
A MyLymphomaTeam Member

Yes my wife experience such but we used some natural supplement from Nature Care Health really did help and it was extremely effective

January 10

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