Anybody Also Struggling With Severe Leg Cramps From Foot To Thigh? I Have Neuropathy In Legs And Feet.
I have neuropathy in the left leg from the knee down to the foot. I've tried different treatments but nothing helps so far. I have a new oncologist, I'm going to talk with her about it and see if she can help. I've been struggling with this for 18 or 19 years now.
Yes started shortly after last chemo treatment so about 4 years.
Also had blocked arteries in both legs and stomach aorta. Docs put stents in but still have neuropathy.
Still going and doing.
Cancer is not going to take me down...š
My doctor prescribed cymbalta for neuropathy. It has stopped the progression and makes my toes feel better. It is an anti-depressant so it has also taken the edge off of dealing with this disease.
Still have leg cramps six months after chemo ceased--frankly not certain whether attributable to the chemo, radiation, my exercise, age, or all of the above. Usually occurs at its worst upon awakening.
Never had cramps such as these before the chemo, so assume somehow related to the therapy.
After having the RCHOP slurry in me for 6+ months I eschew any meds if at possible, so i just grin, bear it, and stretch like mad.
Be well!!!!!!!
Severe leg cramps from foot to thigh can be a symptom of peripheral neuropathy, which is common in people with lymphoma or as a side effect of its treatments like chemotherapy. Neuropathy can cause pain, tingling, or muscle weakness. It's important to discuss these symptoms with your doctor to explore treatments like Show Full Answer
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