Chicken Pox Or Lymphoma Rash?
Hi everybody I have follicular lymphoma watch and see.I have developed a rash all over my body.
Went to the hospital they it was chicken pot but I already had pox when I little
I hear getting chicken pox is very rare
Anyone have something like this could it be related to the lymphoma?
All my doctors are away
thanks for reading
Hi Riri,
I'm no doc but if they didn't pull a titer for the virus, then it's not conclusive in my mind. Plus ER doc's aren't necessarily oncos or dermatologists. They do the best they can to cover the gambit of things that walk into the ER.
Sometimes that's a good thing because they've seen such a variety. Symptoms may be an indicator, and then again, maybe not. What I've learned is that I have an altered immune system so things rarely present with "classic" textbook symptoms. Even my lymphoma was challenging due to "unusual" presentation. When is your onco back? How soon can you get in to see your doc?
For rashes, even lymph rashes, especially very itchy ones, I found that benadryl is helpful. Sometimes claratin although I take the 12 hour not the 24 hour since my higher metabolism burns off "timed released" meds in less than 24 hours. Topically I've found that medicated goldbond lotion works better for me than anything else. Especially after a shower with warm water (not hot). The menthol in the lotion really cools my itch. Hope that helps and gets you by til you can talk with your oncologist and see what they recommend or prescribe.
Big time hugs!! Hope you get some answers and relief soon.
Riri, re-activation of the "chicken pox virus" if you've already had a case of chicken pox presents as shingles. Typically they would tell you it's the "shingles" I would think. Herpes Zoster is chicken pox in it's initial infection and stays in the central nervous system for life. If it reactivates, it's shingles. You might call the hospital and get some clarification from a doc on call. Did they send you home with any doctor notes and the test results? Did they give you a prescription? I hope it isn't the shingles for sure. I didn't have chicken pox until I was in my 30's. wasn't pleasant for sure as an adult. I've had one case of shingles since the chicken pox. They can test to see if it's the Herpes Zoster virus that's active. p.s. this isn't medical advice, obviously, just sharing personal experience. There are also anti-viral meds they can give you to help it resolve if it doesn't conflict with other meds or medical conditions. It would be important I think, to make sure whether it's the lymphoma or herpes zoster virus. Does your doc have an on-call service?
Hugs and best of luck. I'm so sorry this is happening to you..
I also had chicken pox as a child. I had the first shingles vaccine at age 60 and then the Shingrix (both doses) when it came out when I was 65. I broke out in a whole body rash with blisters when I was 70. They said chicken pox and no one could explain it. At 71, I was diagnosed with stage 2 follicular lymphoma. This was about a year after the chicken pox. Obviously, the lymphoma had been there awhile. I feel that the two were somehow connected.
I finally did I has a rae condition called Wells syndrome that is lymphoma related
Hi Riri
I had shingles and it’s awful
But usually on one side of the body. The rash is blistery looking. Hope you’ve been able to get a medical diagnosis
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