What Is The Significance Of Urticaria While In Remission?
I’m in remission since late October and have skin issues like areas that itch or hive like urticaria but not hives. An October bone marrow biopsy resulted in no evidence of lymphoma cells and. PET scan showed my lymph ones were normal in size. Why would I have urticaria?
I have been in remission for about 22 months now and my skin, nails and hair aren't the same from before lymphoma. I have red blotches/patches on my thighs. My hair came in about half the thickness as previously and my big toenail split vertically and still is not right. However, Thank God for RCHOP chemo or I wouldn't be here. Congratulations on your remission. Kelly
Thank you. I appreciated your comments.
Do You Still Have Drenching Sweats Even While In Remission With Follicular NHL?
Any DLBCL Folks On Here?
Hello Did Anyone Get A Weird Rash That Was Itchy And Came Out In Hives Then Turned Into Red Dots