I Have A Question For Those Of You With Lymphoplasmacytic Lymphoma. This Symptom May Or May Not Be Related, But It Just Started Recently.
On my left leg, below the knee on the outside of my leg, when I get into bed by putting my knee on the bed, then twist as im putting my other leg into bed, the spot on my knee gets a SHARP pain, almost like it’s being cut or ripped. It also happened yesterday in my garage. I was getting up from sitting on the floor and must have touched that skin to the floor, and it hurt SO bad!! My other leg doesn’t do this, nor any other part of my body. Has anyone else experienced this on any part of your… read more
No. I have not had any kind of bone or joint pain with this disease.
Thanks mike10!! I have been taking B12, and I can’t tell if it’s helping or not. I will add the vitamin D and fish oil. I also take a 81 mg aspirin daily to try and help with the hyperviscosity. Have a good day!!
Voltaren also helped me with pain on the top of my feet - follow the directions and hopefully you will have the same favorable results....
Appt on 6/22 was ok. Bloodwork which makes me so nauseous, and my blood wasn’t running good so they had to stick me twice. Makes me scared of the hyper viscosity of the blood I’ve read about. But they didn’t check my IgM levels so I’m not sure. I just know that I am SO exhausted. And I have a grandbaby on the way… not sure what I’m going to do…
Red Spots On Arms
How Do You Handle Loosing Faith In Your Treating Oncologist/assistant?
I Suspect The Cov'd Vaccine Triggered Lymphoma