What Does A Typical Day Look Like For You Living With Lymphoma?
I’m 62 and have one more rituxin/bendamustine cycle to complete my sixth chemo treatment in six months. The only symptom I had originally was losing 8 pounds over summer 2022 without trying and a mild cough. X-ray in November showed collapsed left lung, cat scan showed tumor, pet scan showed stage 4 extra nodal marginal zone lymphoma spread to breast and pelvis. Three chemo treatments later, all the “hot spots” were gone on the new pet scan. My only symptoms are fatigue and mild nausea about 2-5 days after the chemo treatment. I am truly blessed. Still exercising with no restrictions. God is good😊🙏🏻
Thelma, it depends on what stage and grade it is as to whether they watch and wait or treat. 12 years ago I opted to try rituxan only with no other chemo because it’s slow growing, and I’m glad I did because I’ve never had to have anything else. Just rituxan again each time it comes out of remission. When it wakes up my doc lets me decide when to treat so I can do it at my convenience. There’s no issue with reusing rituxan so that’s a blessing.
Hi! I too have/had DLBCL but stage IV. I too had RCHOP chemo treatments. Same schedule. I've been in remission for about 2 yrs. I hope your biopsy comes out well. Kelly
My fatigue is constant. Follicular L. is not curable. Treatments may put it in remission but when it reoccurs, the cancer can change to an aggressive faster growing L. No thanks. I lounge on the couch a number of times a day. i make myself walk 2.5 mi today. Walking helps the lymph fluid circulate better. I have extra fluid in my gut (called mysty mesentery). Walking helps the circulation of L fluid.
Good luck, mine was not watch and wait , aggressive Large B cell NHL , radiation and chemo both , in reemission A year and feel great, heading toward 80 in Sept
With Lymphoma What Does Your Bloodwork Look Like?
Can Someone Explain The "watch And Wait" Reasoning For Treatment?
Has Anyone Ever Been Diagnosed With Two Different Types Of Lymphoma?