Excessive Urine Day And Night With R-chop Chemo. Also Dehydration And Muscle Cramps 😫. Any Ideas Appreciated.
I had a better result when I discontinued all caffeinated beverages and drank water at room temperature. One of the chemo nurses said that ice cubes also can prompt frequent urination.
I had a similar problem with coffee and the chemo nurses told me to try Pepsi or
coke and I had a better result.
Thanks 😊 I will try to ditch the ice for sure. Coffee is harder...it seems to make me calmer with the steroids at night and wakes me in morning counterbalancing larger doses of Marijuana so I can function somewhat in the day. Just 2 cups a day so maybe decaf at night to start ✌️
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Joint And Muscle Pain
Night Sweats During Chemotherapy