Rituximab Is It Tough Will Be Starting This Treatment
My first treatment last month wasn’t pleasant. It felt like chemo exorcism . Bad headache, nausea extreme fatigue and weird feeling in the body. Sleepless nites . After the first week energy felt better been good since then.
Im very nervous i had 3 intestine obstruction they say this medicine is tough on the intestines im very scared I have Follicular Lymphoma Stage 3
Hi Maggie, I had 4 sessions of Rituximab over a 3 week period and given approximately 568 ml at a time. The first infusion took over 5 hours because they introduce it slowly to see if you have any adverse reactions to it. The next 3 took 2/3 hours and given at approximately 250 ml/ hour. The infusion is painless and I was given a steroid and painkillers prior to starting. I see my Consultant in 2 weeks time to see what progress, if any, that I’ve made.
Has Anyone Had Immunotherapy?? Any Side Effects? Thank You.
Rituxamab Maintenance Therapy - Do Or Don't???
Maintenance Program With [[treatment:Rituxan Hycela:5c648bd265df61506ecba9a7]]