Side Effects Of Rituxan
I finished my first series of infusions of Rituxan two weeks ago and scheduled for another Cat scan 12/8. Wondering if any of you dear people could tell me what side effects you endured during several series of the same. Just diagnosed so forgive me if I don’t use the proper medical terms or ask stupid questions.(-:)
Dear YoRae - Many thanks for the great info. I had no idea you could get that many rounds in that length of time. I am very positive about my situation, I have no fears and I am so happy to have found all of you amazing people.
Retuxin and bundemustine was my chemo cocktail…made me very tired and that could be the benedryl they gave me…..didn’t lose all my hair! Thinned out a little, lost my eyebrows ( they still aren’t growing back after one year of finishing chemo)
Yes, 2 consecutive days each month. It was a wild trip but have made a decision that if it is warranted I will do it again 🙏💚❤️💚🙏
Good morning. 1st no questions are stupid, all are necessary.
2nd medical terms are not necessary, I personally like plain English.
I had Rituxan and Benimusan(sp).
12 rounds over 6 months.
I do have post chemo issues that I deal with. Nothing earth shattering.
I don't know if the issues are from chemo or CLL itself.
I do know this I am very thankful and feel blessed to be in my current condition than not here at all.
Stay strong, positive and pray 🙏
Maintenance Program With [[treatment:Rituxan Hycela:5c648bd265df61506ecba9a7]]
How Many Days Before The Chemo Side Effects Start Or Peak?
Those Of You That Are On Immunotherapy How Are The Side Effects? It Will Be Rituximab.