Effects Of IVG Treatment
I’m a mid eighties old MCL patient starting my 5th year on Watch Wait. My symptoms have been minimal except for increasingly frequent bouts of upper respiratory and sinus infections. My blood tests have shown my immune system to be significantly compromised. The oncologist has suggested I consider starting monthly IVG infusions to fortify my immune system. If you’ve taken that treatment I’d appreciate some info about it. How effective has it been for you and what side effects have resulted.
Thank you, Maud. Your oncologist might recommend a PET scan rather than a biopsy to check your sinus.
You are right Steven, the oncologist did order a PET scan - scheduled Jan 26. I too have had several sinus infections.
I have not had the infusion you asked about, so sorry i have nothing to share regarding iVG. So happy you are doing well with the wait and watch period.
I have not taken IVG infusion. Like you, I currently experience sinus infections and recently was diagnosed with itching, flaking skin in my ears as psoriasis- first time having this skin disease.
I have to wonder if my sinus cavity needs biopsy- my NHL was found from tonsillectomy. I am age 77.
Happy for you being in the “wait and watch” stage.
Do You Have An Autoimmune Disease Or Are You Immunocomprised In A Way That Makes Treatment Not Work As Well For You?
IVIG Infusion
Anyone Have Any Experience With Rituximab Treatments? If So What Was Your Experience Or Side Effects From This Type Of Treatment?