Most People Here Seem To Get R CHOP For Their First Treatment For DLBCL. But I Was Given Pola R CHP First. Anyone Else Get Pola R CHP First?
I am also on Pola R CHP, as per latest trial Polarix Polaris along with RCHP gives better result, vincristine is removed from R CHOPand added with Polivy
Thanks Frank that is very helpful, I know I have an myd88 genetic mutation and lgm paraprotein, possibly indicating a previous indolent lymphoma. And I know it's aggressive. But I don't recognise many of the other terms from my meetings or letters. I guess I should ask the doctor!
Chris, this regimen is used for more agressive lymphoma and has sifnificantly improved the response rate.Certain genetic markers such as myc,bcl2.bcl6, [known as double or triple hit subtypes.Others include cd5 positive,or nongerminal cell known as ABC subtype and proliferative index K1 more than 90 % are considered unfavorable and require more agressive treatment.Insome cases will require cns prophylaxis.Now for the good news ,these more agressive treatment have leveled the playing field and the results are still very much in your favor.
My wife had all the above but not double hit variety.She had bulcky disease stage 4.
She was given hyper cvad, an alternative to what you are getting.
She had a complete response half way thru
Obviously i dont no your histology and your doctors may have there own reasons
very best, you still will be fine .Also it may be as simple as a particular marker that responds better
Yes because my LDH was so high and because they are getting better results with it for the ABC sub-type.
So pleased to hear that Pamela ❤️
My Wife Has Dlcbl .ABC Complete Response After 3rd Cycle Of Rhcvad 3rdCycle .Completed 5 Cycles .Want To Complete Cycle 6 With Rchop .Will
Anyone On Here Have Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma?
Started Pola R-CHP, Chemo Brain Seems To Be Hitting But So Far Feeling Good. When Can I Expect To Feel Bad?