Is IVIG The Only Option For Low Immunoglobulins? How Long? Side Effects?
Thanks Jeanne. I have my first n Ct week. Hoping to avoid the fatigue. Good luck on yours!
Do You Help People Like Myself To Pay My Electric Bill One Time
I’ve got a a bill of 429.00 unexpected n I live by self n need help I’ve never had issues with my electric bill until now
Contact the company. They should have some kind of relief program in place
I was just diagnosed with MCL on 9/23. I like many have the constant fatigue. My question is when I reach the remission stage will the fatigue go away or will it be something I have to deal with all the time ?
It has been 8yrs for me. Lrg B follicular NHL I am still struggling with fatigue. Have to make myself get up then push to do anything. It helps to have a schedule of things to do. Don't feel bad if… read more
Hi! Does Anyone Have Or Had DLBCL With T Cell Rich In Your Diagnosis?
I have been in remission for 3 years. I had treatments of RCHOP chemo. I haven't relapsed. How are you doing? Kelly
How Severe Was Your Nausea From Chemotherapy? Additionally Did A Port Hurt When Being Put In?
I had first round of chemo the first week of November and I had no nausea problem. I’m only guessing but it would depend on what medication you are getting. I had a port put in yesterday and had some… read more
Question About IVIG
When getting IVIG infusions monthly, does your immunity build up more after each infusion, or does it stay the same as after the first infusion.
Has Anyone Been Diagnosed With Pulmonary MALT?
My Hubby Has DLBCL. He Was Very Active And Energetic; Not Anymore. At His Age Will He Ever Be The Same?
You are an inspiration. Praise God! Kelly
Open Season? Medicare D Or Different Provider...
Open season is here! We only have 1 prescription insurance currently. So I was looking into Medicare part D. When I spoke to the rep there... she said if they prescribed a drug they don't cover...they ask the doctor for a different drug! I replied Excuse me Ma'am but I currently have 2 cancers without a cure... "Controllable " if the Oncologist says drug #1, and you ask him to change it...Your asking me to meet Jesus. No disrespect intended. It is what it is. I have Googled the prices of the… read more
Thank you for that! Bless you for taking the time to tell me
I don't know how long I can live with my husband... he cannot handle anything normally and drank it away... he was sober for more than 7… read more
Does Lymphoma Really Last Forever But Can Be Controlled?
Thanks to new treatments like CAR-T, cures are possible. And there are more treatments in clinical trials.